Saturday 13 June 2020

How to make rose water

Let's make Rose water this summer!

Read the following steps:-

  1. Take some fresh rose petals without stems and leaves (flowers should be 14-15 approx.)
  2. Place them in a pot of water after washing them 2-3 times.
  3. Add just enough water to cover the petals.
  4. Cover the pot with a lid and simmer on a low flame.
  5. The water should not boiling hot.
  6. Allow the water to steam until petals have lost their colour.
  7. Now at room temperature,strain out all the petals and pour the fresh rose water into a clean sanitized bottle.
  8. Place it in the refridgerator and use it when you need.
Benefits of Rose water:-

  1. Rose water has inflammatory properties.
  2. It maintains the skin's pH balance and controls excess oil.
  3. It is used for all skin types.
  4. It helps to clean the pores and tone the skin as a toner.
  5. It tightens the skin and reduce the redness.
  6. Its fragrance feels you fresh.
  7. It moisturises the skin also.
  8. It can help to reduce acne,pimples,eczema and other problems of sensitive skin.
  9. It reduces fine lines also.
  10. It is good for men after shaving to soothe skin.
  11. The skin will feel refreshed,smooth,supple and rejuvenated with rose water.
  12. Due to its antibacterial properties,it heals the cuts and wounds of skin.
How to use rose water on your face.
  1. The best use of rose water is to apply it on your face at night after cleaning and the whole night it clears all types of impurities.

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